This is the challenge I mentioned in my previous post! Like I said, my friend Jackie invited me in her trial challenge of color scheme. Thought it'd be fun, maybe give me a new perspective, and keep me on my feet every day. Green was a tough one for me--believe it or not. The first thing that popped into my head was grass. Would that be too literal? After talking to Bubbles (let's call him that!), he convinced me that although grass is simple, I should capture it differently and make it magical. We were on the hunt for my color by visiting several parks around our city. This one area had a pond/lake(?) filled with algae. Dragonflies and other critters were flying and walking on top of the autotrophic organisms like it was a layer of ice.
Coming out of this, I have learned that I must deal with my images the moment I have time and save them as jpg ASAP. My stupid Photoshop program was being an idiot an hour ago not allowing me to save three of my photos the format I needed. And two, I should always have my camera with me despite the busy schedule I have. Two more weeks of my summer class left and it will be extremely stressful with the amount of writing I am given. Must do my best to keep myself on schedule with everything before Fall Semester begins!
This challenge is free to all! Join us on our journey by visiting their pages =) It'd be wonderful if you could be a part of this, give us your thoughts, or by simply following. Jackie, Jean, and Mary are beautiful photographers. We each have our own creative thoughts and it definitely shows in our individual photos! Stay tune for next Tuesday's color!
Coming out of this, I have learned that I must deal with my images the moment I have time and save them as jpg ASAP. My stupid Photoshop program was being an idiot an hour ago not allowing me to save three of my photos the format I needed. And two, I should always have my camera with me despite the busy schedule I have. Two more weeks of my summer class left and it will be extremely stressful with the amount of writing I am given. Must do my best to keep myself on schedule with everything before Fall Semester begins!
This challenge is free to all! Join us on our journey by visiting their pages =) It'd be wonderful if you could be a part of this, give us your thoughts, or by simply following. Jackie, Jean, and Mary are beautiful photographers. We each have our own creative thoughts and it definitely shows in our individual photos! Stay tune for next Tuesday's color!