Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 001, 002, 003 / 365

July 24, 2012

July 25, 2012

July 26, 2012

Self portrait number 1-3. Triple check. I have debated whether to start my own and infamous 365 days project that many photographers embark. I've read that only a a few have finished the journey and it was a rewarding experience. Those who didn't complete it were successful enough to start a business or simply gave up. My goal is to not stop. Even if I skip a day due to personal problems, that is no excuse to continue the following day. We'll see how things go!

This quest is to shoot a photo everyday for one year. Each day should be a challenge. This is to push your creativity to it's limit. It should show progress as a photographer and lead a path to hone your individual style. I'm not sure if I am going to stick to taking self-portraits but from what several has said, it helps the photographer understand the subject once they are behind the lens. I hope that is true. Take one. Take two. Take three.

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