Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Valley of the Blues

Blue. It's the color I wear about 75% of the time.  The color that defines me.  Surrounds me.  I like all shades of blue.  My favorite out of the bunch is teal.  Seafoam green too.  I enjoyed this week's color <3

My brother is such a GQ model.  Since birth, I've recorded his growth.  I sure have taught him well!

Want more blue-ness?? Jackie, Jean, and Ellie can show you more!


  1. Ohhhh. I love that last one w/ the jeans. Well, I love all of them. I love the feel to these photos. Do you use any preset actions (or whatever they call it) to edit??

  2. Thanks =D I don't use preset actions. I believe if I want to consider it my "work", I have to own it from the ground up. They are cool though! It sure saves a good chunk of time hahaha.

  3. I can finally comment!!! I heart your little brother so much! He's photogenic and is super cute!!!!!!! Your pictures are definitely wonderful as usual!! :D

  4. He's sure is cute. The other day I took a few pictures of him drawing. I went back to reading after I got the shot I wanted. Then, he said, "Hlee, I want you to take pictures of me drawing again." I love my lil bro. Thanks Jackie!!
